GED - Global Employability Development

branding and identity poster design



• To develop the branding and identity inclusive of main logo subsidiary logos of GED

• To develop a poster communicating the core values and services of the business for domestic and international university students


This brief was a university assessment working alongside the client ‘GED - Global Employability Development’. The brief provided by the client was to develop an main logo and corresponding subsidiary logos for the other branches as well as a style guide for the newly developed business. Through the use of colour theory, iconography and subtle symbolism I was able to communicate the importance of education, future development and global reach that GED held as foundational values of their business. The client also requested the development of a poster design that communicated the services and abilities of the business to their target audience. My designs as well as developed style guide was then chosen as one of the 3 concepts that our representative took to their board as potential options.


Logo and poster development representing inclusivity, education, development and opportunity through the use of consistent branding and fundamental design techniques.






CSB Homes


Maranna Group